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Artist Statement


I must admit to you all that I actually hate karaoke, I’m far too embarrassed to get up on stage and I crumble under the pressure of choosing the perfect song. However, there are some things that attract me to it. I enjoy watching the pub regulars illuminate in the tacky glow of the disco lights, particularly when pixilated on my screen when I watch the stellar performances on YouTube. Those same pinks and greens reflect off my face 15 years later, seeming to travel in time and space to reach me in my studio.

I am a burrower. A worm hole enthusiast. A piecer-togetherer. A non-expert of the past.


I trawl and stumble across documentation of what came before, scrambling to take as much of it in as possible. The parental figure of the internet passes down information to me in an inconsistent and non-chronological manor, through both oversaturated or poorly documented images. I welcome this break from the conventional historical timeline and play in the imbalance and digital grain.  When thinking of the internet as a vast archive, it brings into question the fate of history in the digital realm. Every day I look at the world from my windows laptop or whatever that Ray Davies sang.

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